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17 comments to “Comments”

  • Lara Botter, Monday August 8th, 2016 at 05:58 PM

    Ich trainiere nun seit ca. 2 Jahren mit Mintra und muss sagen, dass mein Leben sich seither sehr verändert hat.

    Zum einen habe ich gelernt, was es heißt an meine Grenzen zu gehen, diese zu überschreiten und Woche für Woche neue Trainingsreize zu setzen. Jedes Workout ist individuell angepasst, fordert und fördert mich immer aufs Neue.
    Neben den tollen Trainingsmethoden habe ich ebenfalls sehr viel über gesunde Ernährung und einen gesunden Lifestyle gelernt, den ich seither lebe und liebe.

    Mintra ist ein ganz toller Mensch und ich kann jedem, der sein Leben in eine positive Richtung lenken will, das Training mit ihr empfehlen!

  • Niklas Deske, Profi Eishockey Spieler, Wednesday January 13th, 2016 at 07:03 AM

    Unter Mintra habe ich gelernt, dass 100% geben im Kraftraum wirklich spass machen kann. Ich habe mich schon nach kurzer Zeit deutlich fitter gefühlt. Die Workouts waren sehr hart für mich, weil ich auch viele Übungen neu waren, aber es war alles super durchdacht. Mintra hat es jeden Tag aufs Neue geschafft mich zu Motivieren, egal wie schwer die Beine auch waren. Was ich noch aber am meisten an ihr schätze, ist ihre menschliche Art.

  • Antje, Friday February 21st, 2014 at 10:45 PM

    Mein erstes Training mit Mintra begann ich hochmotiviert… Allerdings nur, um danach in ein nie dagewesenes Loch voller Schmerzen und Höllenqualen abzutauchen. Doch Coach M. ließ es nicht zu, dass mich meine Motivation verließ: Sie unterstützte, machte Mut, gab Tipps sowie wohldosierte A…tritte bis sich schließlich eine Routine, sowohl im Training als auch in der Ernährung, einstellte. Dank Mintra konnte ich meine Ziele nicht nur innerhalb von kürzester Zeit erreichen, sondern sogar übertreffen. Nie hätte ich so einen Erfolg erwartet!

    Mintra zeichnet sich nicht nur durch ihre Professionalität, ihre Erfahrung, ihre Leidenschaft und ihr Können aus, sondern besonders durch ihre wunderbare Persönlichkeit, mit der sie es schafft, das scheinbar Unmögliche zu realisieren und das Beste herauszuholen. Durch Mintra lernte ich, dass man sich weder im Training noch im Leben mit weniger als 100 Prozent zufriedengeben darf! Danke!

  • John D, Friday July 26th, 2013 at 12:52 AM

    For a lack of better words Coach Mattison is an inspiration. I had the privilege of training with her for 6 months and there hasnt been one person that could compare to how far she pushed me, helped me improve, and overall inspired me to pursue a true life of fitness. Day in and day out Mintra would work with me and hone in on my skills and my techniques to be more proficient in my training style and physique. Because of Coach Mattison’s training I competed in my first Crossfit Garage Game, and despite thousands of miles away she was still supporting me and being an influential trainer. If given the opportunity to train with her again, I know she would be able to push me farther than I thought I possibly could. Slowly but surely I am following similar steps as her, working on getting my CPT, soon to be Crossfit Trainer certified and so much more. I feel like she has shown me the type of life I want to live.

    Thanks for all the hard work, time, and encouragement over the past year Coach Mattison.

  • SGT Yo, Friday May 17th, 2013 at 07:34 PM

    If you are someone looking to get physically fit Coach Mattison is a great choice. You will be surprised by the end that not only are you physically fit, but she has made you mentally and emontionally fit. A super fitness master that will break you at your core and ensure it is rebuilt properly.

  • Anonymous, Wednesday May 8th, 2013 at 12:58 PM

    Vor allem muss Training Spaß machen und Ergebnisse bringen. Zumindest für mich und wohl die meisten –auch ambitionierten- Hobbysportler. Denn wir machen das in unserer –oft knappen- Freizeit.

    Das tut das Training bei Mintra und damit ist eigentlich alles gesagt.
    Aber, WARUM?
    Nur einige Gründe:

    KOMPETENZ: Abseits irgendwelcher Lizenzen, deren Wert ich nur schwer einzuschätzen vermag, merkt man im Gespräch und Training mit Mintra, dass sie ein tiefes Verständnis für die Zusammenhänge hat und sinnvolle –individuelle und sportartspezifische- Lösungen anbietet.

    SERIÖSITÄT: Fitness ist ein Markt und viele Trainer sind vor allem Promoter Ihres Weges und suchen sich eher durch die Abwertung anderer Konzepte zu erhöhen. Das ist bei Mintra anders, trotz einer eigenen Überzeugung kennt sie andere Konzepte und weiß diese auch einzusetzen. Sie beweist sich dabei durch eigene Leistung und Zuverlässigkeit, nicht durch die negative Abgrenzung zu anderen.

    ENGAGEMENT: Mintra setzt einem nicht ein Konzept vor, sie hört zu und denkt sich dabei in das Anforderungsprofil auch ihr fremder Sportarten (hier Rugby) ein. Dazu besucht sie z.B. auch mal ein Spiel um sich selbst ein Bild zu machen.

    TRAININGSAUFBAU: Das Training ist abwechslungsreich, bei Beibehaltung wichtiger Kernziele, es ist so gestaltet, dass auch bei einer größeren Gruppe mit individuell unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten jeder an sein Trainingsziel geführt wird. Erklärungspausen werden geschickt zur Erholung eingesetzt, sodass der Zeitverlust sehr gering ist. Sie stellt sich sehr gut auf das Trainingsklima einer Gruppe ein.

    MOTIVATION: Einer der wichtigsten Faktoren, denn der innere Schweinehund ist meist die größte Hürde. Mintra schafft es -sehr individuell auf den Einzelnen zugeschnitten- sowohl durch Lob und positive Bestärkung wie auch durch Appelle an den eigenen Ehrgeiz und einen „Tritt in den Hintern“ die Jungs ihrem Ziel näher zu bringen.

    Danke für viel Spaß und Schweiß an Montagen und Schmerz an Dienstagen!

  • Timo, Hamburg Exiles RFC, Tuesday May 7th, 2013 at 08:38 AM

    Lächeln und Leiden
    Egal ob im Rahmen des Mannschaftstrainings oder als Personal-Training, der Aufbau des Trainings und die damit verbundene Effektivität ist klasse! Gepaart mit der guten Beratung und motivierenden Betreuung erreicht man seine individuellen Ziele sehr schnell. Mintra hilft bei deren Definition von Anbeginn an und strukturiert das Training dementsprechend, auch was den mentalen Bereich angeht.
    Trotz der ganzen Plackerei und Quälerei ist das Training durch das Lächeln und die positive Einstellung Mintra’s meist nur halb so schlimm und macht viel Spaß. Und darauf kommt es ja auch an.
    Ich kann das Training nur weiterempfehlen und wünsche Mintra weiterhin viel Erfolg!

  • Ellie, Monday May 6th, 2013 at 07:14 PM

    Coach Mattison is a great professional and really knows a great deal. I’ve been doing workouts that she designed for several months and have noticed a difference in my strength levels and body composition. I’m a Certified Athletic Trainer and CSCS, and I’ve been able to take a lot of what I’ve been doing in the gym and turn it into practical application for work. I definitely recommend working with her as a coach if you ever get the chance!

  • Willie Straughter, Monday May 6th, 2013 at 06:39 PM

    Coach mattison …. Is prolly one of the nicest fun sized person you will ever meet and that makes her that much better. Like me you will come to her sessions thinking yeah this is a day off, until the 5 foot nothing lady calls you out and doses the exercise better faster than you. she is one of the best coaches I have ever worked with for the simple fact she won’t let you quit or make you so ashamed that you finish out of sheer pride. Not to mention her results are top notch. Just wanted to say thanks and don’t stop bringing it

  • Russell!!!, Saturday April 27th, 2013 at 10:10 PM

    Coach, just wanted to thank you for your dedication. And extreme as it may seem, you have changed my life. Before I began your program I was in decent shape and I really did enjoy fitness. After completing a 6 week sport specific training program with you I competed in a competition where it showed how professional training would pay off. One of the events consisted of a 65lb ruck for 16 miles and walking past the other teams and watching them struggle all I could think about was how happy I was for doing those damn LEG BLASTERS and SBGU’s. Not only did I feel like I was in the best shape of my life but my mental fitness was and is now unbelievable. You taught me my body can do anything but your mind can hold you back!! Just put your left foot in front of your right, move forward and knock out the next round! I am now studying with the NSCA And am planning on taking the Military athlete programming course this fall. I could talk all day about how you have changed my outlook on fitness but I think all that needs to be said is Thank You. You are with out a doubt among the best. My advice to anyone looking in to training with coach Mattison is to be prepared to train the hardest you have in your life and enjoy the good livin.

  • Nicole Eversleyrer, Saturday April 27th, 2013 at 08:19 PM

    This was my first introduction to crossfit and it was brutal–in a good way. Coach Mattison always stressed good form. She could pick up any weight the guys were lifting and demonstrate proper form. I find her to be very inspiring for women and definitely found her exercise routines challenging, yet do-able. Her expertise will enhance anyone looking to improve their stamina, speed, strength, agility, or overall physical fitness. I highly recommend her to anyone of any ability level willing to do the work.

  • Greg, Monday April 22nd, 2013 at 11:43 PM

    I started working out with Coach Mattison March of 2012. I had never done Crossfit or functional fitness type exercises before. I was in okay shape starting out. I wanted to train for Special Forces selection and just improve my overall fitness level. I also wanted to improve my APFT score which was around a 200. Coach Mattison helped introduce me to functional fitness with ease. She was extreamly knowledgeable and helped me learn the moves and techniques. She also made sure I knew what I was doing to help reduce the risk of injury. She was extreamly good at scaling the workout to my fitness level so I was still getting a great workout without pushing myself too far and getting injured. Coach Mattison focused on all aspects of my fitness by incorporating strength, stamina and mobility into the workouts. I stopped training with Coach Mattison in January of 2013 and by then I had dropped about 8% body fat and my fitness level increased dramaticly. My APFT score went up about 45 points. My stamina was amazing, doing 2 to 3 workouts a day and performing very well in all of them. Coach Mattison made training fun and challenging and really pushed me to become better. She also taught me alot about nutrition and eating better. Thanks to her, I now have a huge love for functional fitness workouts and continue to see improvements in my performance following her workouts.

  • Bear Hood, Thursday April 18th, 2013 at 06:00 PM

    At first it hurt…a lot and everyday. However I had confidence in coach Mattison and did she ever break me down and build me right back up! She trained myself and 5 battle buddies for a competition called warfighter and with her help we took 1st place in 2of 9 events the only team to win multiple events. Coach Mattison is very dedicated and it shows in her work. Thanks for all you have done for not only me but countless others as well!!

  • Daniel Phan, Thursday April 18th, 2013 at 02:36 AM

    Coach mattison is very inspirational in everything she does. She is always willling on learning new things and is very compassionate in the sport of crossfit!

    Coach mattison is so compassionate that if she had the time she would live in a gym and workout 3-6 times a day if u needed her help. Anytime u need a workout partner to workout with she will be there! She always pushes you way beyond what you think u can do. I can not say enough about her! She is a amazing coach!

  • Kaimana Smith, Wednesday April 17th, 2013 at 06:21 PM

    In the beginning there was pain. Nothing but pain everyday. Everything hurt. Not a single muscle was spared. Pain became my friend and days without it started to hurt. I became accustomed to having an amazing workout knowing the pain was there for verification. To let me know that I can push further.
    Having someone there who loves their job as well as the pain made me push even harder. Not having that person to push me today just makes me have to dig even deeper and find it in myself to continue. I’m greatful for the work ethic also instilled by my coach and will never forget. Pain is my friend.

  • Sean, Wednesday April 17th, 2013 at 12:37 PM

    Coaches can be either a positive or a negative to an individual, but there are always those coaches that go above and beyond and inspire everyone around them. I have never been a fan of crossfit prior to coach mattisons instruction. Her dedication and drive to have us succeed and to advance our careers worked! The beating were rough and long as they should be but she taught us how to properly recovery. Her whole program had a great end state for me and when I attended the physically demanding school I was training for I passed. All due to her knowledge and advice. I recommend her training to all wishing to further their physical capabilities.

  • Orlando, Wednesday April 17th, 2013 at 10:43 AM

    Coach Mattison is a very motivational coach, training with her gave me great incite on crossfit in the military, training with her six months I got bigger, faster and stronger. Great job Coach Mattison
